Before I get started with my What I wore Wednesday post today, I wanted to let you know that I am over on JOYful Home And Life today sharing the recipe binder that I recently made. This has been on my to do list for quite a while now, and I am so glad I finally tackled it. Hop on over there if you would like to see how I made my recipe binder. Maybe you will be inspired to make one too!
I have two sick children in my house, and counting… It started with Miss 17 Year Old, then spread to our Swedish Daughter. We are just waiting to find out who is next. Ever feel like that?
For that reason, I am going to keep this short and sweet and show you my outfits for the week. I am linking up once again with The Pleated Poppy, and this is one of my favorite things to do! Since I started participating in WIWW, I am so much more inspired to use what I already have in my wardrobe to make new and fresh combinations. Here we go!
Love this new striped cardi! Both the color and the fit! And can we just say good hair day?
Just a casual outfit, I was planning ahead to wear the same thing to work that I wore trick or treating. I am a planner like that. Anything to not have to change into a second outfit.
This is my new favorite shirt of all time. I would buy it in every color if I could.
The full length shot of this outfit was so horrible that for the first time, I was not willing to show it , but I did want to show you the new way I learned to tie a scarf! Just start by placing the center of the scarf at the front of your neck and wrapping both ends behind you and back around to the front. After that, take the long pieces and wrap them over and down under. You can do that as many times as you choose, I did each side just once. Love it!
Interesting tidbit- this grey cardigan is a maternity piece left over from when I was pregnant with Mr. 5 Year Old. It is the only item I still wear to this day.
Interesting tidbit #2- I need panty hose! I must have thrown all of mine away last winter, or by winter’s end they were all ruined, because I do not have a single pair. I have tights, but no hose. And I keep forgetting to purchase them.
One more tidbit- I am 80% sure I am going to see Kathy Griffin tonight! Super psyched! I’ll try to get some pictures for ya!
If you would like to see more of my WIWW posts, please click here. I hope you will join me back next Wednesday for more outfit inspiration!Link Parties:
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