Hey all! Welcome to my Weekly WIWW post! Every week, for several months now, I have been taking pictures of my outfits and joining the WIWW link party with The Pleated Poppy. These posts are something that I really enjoy, because I have always had a passion for fashion. I love putting together new outfits, and shopping my own closet to wear things in different ways.
This dress is a vintage dress that I bought at a vintage clothing store in Philadelphia. When I bought it I wasn’t sure if it was “too much vintage” for me to handle, but I like the way it looks with this military inspired jacket. The jacket belongs to Miss 18 Year Old. She leaves for college on Saturday, what am I going to do when I can’t raid her closet anymore?? I can’t remember the brand of this jacket, but when I have a chance I will come back and update this post with a link to it, because she bought it recently.
Thanks for stopping by for my WIWW post today! If you would like to stalk my other WIWW posts, click here! I also have a Pinterest Board where I post all of my daily outfits. I also frequently post on Instagram! Happy hump day!I am linking up here:
The Pleated Poppy
I Feel Pretty
Because Shanna Said so
The Mummy chronicles
Fashion Informant
Summer Style
Trend Spin
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