Once again, I am linking up to The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday, and I have a special one for you today! LC and I attended the Holly Ball here in our city, and it was to benefit our local Hospital. I was very excited that a wonderful boutique named Coni and Franc loaned me the most amazing gown to wear! I mean, seriously, how often does someone give you a free dress to wear? Well, for me, that is never! So having the opportunity to wear this gorgeous dress was very special for me. This is LC and I all gussied up and ready for the Holly Ball.

The reason I chose this particular gown was because it had a jacket. I know I get a chill really easily, so I was able to put the jacket on and take it off at will. Of course, LC wanted me to leave it off! Right at the top it had some sparkles peeking out, and the same with the jacket, just a few sparkles peeking out. I bought my necklace and matching braceelt at Loft, and I loved that I can wear them again many times.

And doesn’t LC look handsome in his black tux? He did a great job hosting the event, BTW. Everyone seemed to enjoy him, and lots of people approached him to talk to him and tell him what a nice job he had done.

Miss 17 Year Old did my hair using this tutorial from The Small Things Blog. These are a few views of what it looked like.
And the rest of my outfits are boring in comparison. They are things I wore to work. I am loving this new scarf I bought at a thrift store recently!

I wish this photo weren’t so blurry, because I really loved this outfit! I liked mixing brown and grey.

This was casual Friday at work. I love these jeggings I bought at K Mart, seriously I do! I get many compliments on them too!
This was a Monday outfit. These are my blush jeans. You have also seen me wearing them here.

And with a jacket. The sweater is very lightweight, so I needed something over it. I would love to have a new denim jacket. All of mine are several years old, and I would like to have one with a different fit.

And last but not least, I had to show you what Mr. 5 Year Old wore to visit Santa! He was so excited he was jumping up and down. And isn’t Santa fabulous?

If you are interested in seeing the rest of my WIWW posts, please click here. Next week is Christmas, so I am going take the week off from WIWW posts, but should be back the week after. Have a great week, what is left of it!The Pleated Poppy
Get your Pretty On
Style Elixir
Elizabet Nygard
Because Shanna Said So
Mix and Match Fashion
Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Get your Pretty On
Style Elixir
Elizabet Nygard
Because Shanna Said So
Mix and Match Fashion
Walking in Memphis in High Heels
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