Welcome to my What I Wore Wednesday post! I will be linking up with the Pleated Poppy again this week with the outfits I have been wearing lately. We have certainly had out share of sadness in the last week and a half. Actually, probably more than our share. But there were also bright spots, because we were able to spend time with family who we rarely get to see, so that part was nice. A lot of what I wore this past two weeks has been black. I am kind of traditional in that I usually go with black for funerals. I am off to a track meet in a few, so here is what I have been wearing, with a few of the family sprinkled in.
This dress is a Little Black Designs Mee Mee dress. It is one of my favorite dresses ever! I got lots of compliments on it at work, even a couple of people who wanted to purchase it for themselves. and you can have it too, by going to the Little Black Designs Etsy shop! I loved it styled with a denim jacket and brown boots.
This was a work outfit, before all of the sadness that ensued. I was told that I looked like a beautiful spring flower, so that is good, right?
Link Parties:Tuesday:
Style Elixir
The Pleated Poppy
Because Shanna Said So
Get Your Pretty On
Simply Just Lovely
Mix and Match Fashion
The Life of the Party
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