Hey there! I took a little break from blogging for a few days, but I am back! I finished up with work on Monday (6 weeks off, can you give me a hell yeah?), and I took the kids and headed straight up to the Pittsburgh area to visit one of my BFF’s and her three kids. My girlfriend Chris has a fabulous house up there, I actually did a home tour of her house at Christmas time if you would like to check it out. Anyway, we had a great time and I recharged myself and had a great time visiting with her and her family. We took the kids to have some fun, and we stayed up late both nights and talked. I miss her since she moved up there so it was great to see her.
I actually have a fun little post today, and if it gets a good response I might try to do more of them. While I was on my trip, I got a text from a good friend. She texted me the picture below. And here was what she wrote: “Would you try to put trim around this black cabinet so it isn’t flush with the brown cabinet”?
hmmm, well, my idea goes from one idea and adds several things! ha If she's not in love with the black crown molding, chair rail and cabinet…I would paint the cabinet, chair rail and crown molding the same color as her board & batten. The black crown molding makes the ceiling look lower. Just my $.02
White wash country would last a lifetime no priming just use a washcloth enamel antique white in strokes liJr woodgrain to both the black and brown. I did this to my entry door 5 years ago and still get compliments. A friend asleep to come to her house to help her do her kitchen cabinets -then I told her how much "work" I did she did it all by herself!
Spell check …..
I personally think the black trim and chair rail needs to go. Paint it a bright white. Then paint the cabinet white and the inside the colour of the walls (or anything else you'd like). Then the moulding wouldn't be the focus as it is now. The cabinet could be beefed up along the top edge with a bigger piece of crown painted to match the cabinet. Right now, the cabinet isn't so bad but the trim and chair rail are stealing the show.