Today on Wish I Had That, I have a beautiful variety of chandeliers to show you. There are so many funky and colorful chandeliers I have seen online that it was hard for me to narrow them down. I am in love with chandeliers that people have painted right now, but I also threw a few others in there that were irresistible. I want to paint one the chandeliers in my house so bad, but so far I haven’t gotten up my nerve. I had a hard time finding the original source on a few of these, so if you happen to know the original source, shoot me a comment and I will be happy to fix it. Are you ready for some eye candy for the ceiling? Sit back and enjoy!

I am still undecided. However, you picked some really intriguing ones to look at. I do like the pink chandys for a girls' room. Suggestion, try on a yard sale find first. This trend may die and them your good chandys will have robe replaced.
Love the post.
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