Welcome to Wish I had that! Every Wednesday I have been blogging about something that I wish I had, and showing you some yummy eye candy. Last week, I showed you some of my favorite spring vignettes. Today, I am focusing on dream closets. In case you do not know, we moved into this house at the end of June 2012. We went from a house that had walk in closets in every bedroom, to a house with much smaller closets. Right about now, you might be asking WHY?, right? Well, we did it to be closer to our children’s schools and activities. And I do not regret it for one second, although my huge walk in closets are something that I desperately miss.
In our old house, LC and I both had our very own walk in closets! I could leave my entire wardrobe out all year long. Now, I have to pack away my out of season clothing. And let me tell you this- it SUCKS! I also had to purge a huge amount of things, in addition to packing away my out of season clothes. Now, I am not gonna lie, I have more clothes than the average woman, I do. I love fashion, I love everything about it! Did I say love? Yes, it’s true. Although since moving, I have been seriously considering doing a major clothing purge and simplifying my wardrobe. I was telling this to my husband the other day and his reply was, “who are you again”? Well, I am really gonna do it! And don’t worry, I will be blogging about it every step of the way, because this is going to be major!
When we moved, and it was time to put our closet together, I cried, real tears people! It was horrible! We do have a walk in closet, but it is small, and My husband has 1/4 of it. He keeps all of his suits, dress shirts, and ties in there. The rest is for me, and it is not much space. My dad did come and help me put in a different closet organizer when I moved in to maximize the space, which helped a little. But we had to put a set of bookshelves downstairs in the utility closet to keep our jeans. My husband also has a small closet in the family room downstairs for his casual clothes. I want to show you a picture of my closet, but I am not on my home computer right now, so I will add an update with a picture of our closet as soon as possible. For now though, sit back and enjoy some amazing dream closets! These are to die for! I did not link back to the original source on these photos, sorry, I just don’t have time for that today.

I love the eye candy closets you showed us today! Sarah Jessica Parker's has always been one of my faves. I think you did a great job of making your closet work for you. Also, I wanted to answer the question you left on my blog. You should definitely do What I Wore Wednesday! I have gained a new sense of confidence in the outfits I wear. Although I am so ready for spring and ready to wear my spring clothes! 🙂
Thank you! My closet problems really bug me, I am going to change out from winter to summer next week so I have closet envy on the brain! I am definitely going to incorporate some of my wardrobe into my blog, I just haven't figured out exactly how to do it yet.