If you are anything like me, it is the little things that I most appreciate on Mothers Day. You know, those little things that the kids make at school and bring home to you. The things they make on their own, or the little things they might do to make your day a little more special. It is not about how much money is pent. To me, it is the thought that counts. The things my children do to show me, on that one special day of the year, that they truly appreciate and love me. So today, I thought I would share some of my most favorite Mother’s Day gifts I have received from my children over the years.
Breakfast in bed is one of my favorite things, and I usually get in just once a year. Over the years, I know that my children have enjoyed this ritual so much! It is usually a variety of fruits for me, I love fruit for breakfast and they know it!

Chocolate covered strawberries are one of my favorite things, and for the past few years now, the two oldest have made them for me! And they even cleaned up the mess!

I have a couple of super sweet book marks that my two oldest children have brought home to me for mother’s day. I still use them both to this day.

Mr. 5 Year Old brought my gifts home to me yesterday, because he does not have school on Friday’s. And of course, he could not wait until Sunday to give them to me. One of the things he gave me was this cute little Mothers Day survival Kit. Here is what was included in it, and below is the little poem that was included. This was the cutest little gift, and he loved giving it to me!
Teddy Bear shows how we love to bear hug.
Gum shows how we will always stick together.
Nut shows how silly we like to be.
Bandage shows how you always come to the rescue.
Kiss shows how good it feels to be loved.
Mom, I will always love you!
What mother would not love a little handmade coupon book from the kids? Some nice things you could put in the coupon book are: A free car wash, no talking back or complaining for one day, dish washing duty, cleaning my room, cleaning any room in the house, snuggle time, a movie of mom’s choice, quality time together- a day of fun. I could go on and on, there are so many different coupon ideas you could make for mom!

Hand print art! I think I have gotten some kind of hand print art for Mother’s Day every year when my children have been in elementary school. Here are some good ideas, but there are so many cute ideas out there for hand print art!

Another thing my kids have brought home to me on more than one occasion are little potted flowering plants that I can transfer into a bigger pot. This is such a sweet gift, that can be enjoyed all summer long! Here are a couple of cute ideas:

My two oldest children are now in middle school and high school, and they no longer bring home those sweet little gifts, so sad. For those older children, or my husband, here are some things that I have always loved to receive for Mother’s Day.
One of the gifts I usually love the most is flowers. I don’t mean a bouquet of flowers, I am talking about the kind of flowers that I plant in containers. We usually go and pick out all of the flowers and plants that I want to plant in all of my different pots for Mothers Day. That is always my all time favorite gift. Here are a few inspiration pictures I am using this year to plan with.

I did a post on some spring flower inspiration here, if you would like to check it out.
And of course, no one can ever go wrong with a pedicure for mom. that was one of my gifts last year, and I totally loved it!

These are some things that I always love and appreciate on Mother’s day. I hope that your mother’s day is amazing, relaxing, and that you are surrounded by those you love the most! Have a great weekend!Linking Up Here:
oh how beautiful and touching. It is lovely to see their product of love! Happy Mother's Day!