Hey friends! I am so excited because today is the big reveal of my first ORC Challenge. It’s time for my finished kids-guest bathroom reveal! In case you missed it, I am participating in the One Room Challenge for the first time, and I am renovating our kids-guest bathroom. I had 6 weeks to complete the room, and I am so happy to say stick a fork in it, because I’m done! It came down to the wire because my rug actually didn’t come in by the time I was to photograph the finished room. So most of these pictures were taken without it. However, the rug arrived yesterday, and so I did snap a few photographs of the rug in the room. If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay awhile and have a look around! If you aren’t familiar with the ORC, it is a widely anticipated two time per year event where 20 featured design bloggers transform a space and document it once per week for 6 weeks. In addition, everyone with a blog is invited to join the shenanigans and be a guest participant by linking up their own room transformations each week. Today was the big reveal for the 20 designers, and I have to say WOW! If you haven’t checked them out, you really must! Amazing!
If this is your first time catching an ORC post of mine, you can catch the first five weeks here, here, here, here, and here.
I am just over the moon that this kids-guest bathroom is finished, and so happy that I participated in this challenge, because I would have never finished it so fast if not for the motivation of this looming deadline. I can’t wait to share it with you! There are about a bazillion pictures for you all today because I just can’t stop! Today I just want to share all of the pretty after photos with you, and then I have a few posts planned for very soon so that I can share some of the details and tutorials for different projects I completed in this space. This bathroom serves as our guest bath and the bathroom that our daughter and youngest son share. I really wanted it to be special and unique, and I believe I achieved that. I wanted this room to feel like it fit in with the rest of our house, and like it belongs to us. And it hadn’t really been touched at all since we moved in, so it is a huge transformation. Here are a few pictures of the before space, and then we will move on to the after pictures. This room was a big challenge for me to photograph for two reasons. It is a small space, and there is no natural light, so I did the best I could to capture it for you today. But I so wish you could just come on over and see it in person because it really is better that way! Enjoy!
Now let’s see all of the beautiful after photos! My design style is what I call polished casual, and I feel like this room completely captures that for me. There is somewhat of a rustic vibe, but there is a bit of bling and a bit of modern, and mixed metals. And also a bit of whimsy and quirkiness. Are you ready for the kids-guest bathroom reveal? Let’s go! There will be a source list at the bottom of this post.
I have to say one of my favorite elements in this room is the three mismatched shelves you see here. They are what gives this room the personality I so wanted it to have. I bought the top two shelves and DIY’d the one on bottom. There will be a full tutorial on that coming soon! The mirror over the sink was a thrift store find that I gave a special paint treatment to and will also be sharing soon.
This modern ball clock was sent to me for review, and I received it last week and thought it was perfect in the room! I love the colorful, modern touch it adds to the space. It is hanging above a vintage mirror that I found over the summer at an antique booth, and I like it it in this spot because it helps bounce some light around the room. I also love the patina on the mirror. The back edge was particle board, so I painted that with black chalk paint and I think it is the perfect finishing touch to this mirror.
You can find other really cool items from The Regency Shop where this clock came from here, here, and here.
As I mentioned above, I wanted this space to be a little bit quirky and whimsical, and so I added this decal on the bathtub that says get naked. I keep this shower curtain closed, so it is a funny little surprise that pops out at you when you open it. Plus, it made my 9 year old son laugh and laugh. and this is really his bathroom, so that was a plus!
For those of you who love a good list, this is what we completed in the room:
Replaced toilet
Painted vainty
Replaced sink and counter
Installed new faucet
Installed all new fixtures
Replaced light over mirror
Replaced mirror (painted mirror frame)
Replaced shower head
Installed Airstone on walls
Installed trim over Airstone
Painted walls and trim
Installed shelves over toilet
DIY the shelf on bottom
Added new basket and towels
Added decal to bathtub
Refreshed grout with Grout Renew
Installed new shower curtain rod
Hung new shower curtain and hooks
Replaced hooks on back of door
Added new art and accessories
DIY caddy on back of toilet
And that is a wrap for my first One Room Challenge! Now, momma needs a break. I don’t have any more projects planned until after Christmas, other than to decorate for Christmas. Also, my husband just might divorce me if I take anything else on any time soon, ha! But I do want to acknowledge that he helped me with so many little things during this renovation. He doesn’t really enjoy DIY and home decor the way I do (he would have left this room as is for the rest of his life and been fine with it). But he always is there to offer me a helping hand when I need it. And of course he is always happy with the end results and the improvements to our home, he just doesn’t enjoy the process. So, what do you think of the kids-guest bathroom reveal? I keep finding myself walking in there to take a peek, I am in love! I would love for you to let me know what you think in the comments, I love your comments and read every single one! I hope you enjoyed my ORC reveal today, have a great day and I hope you get a day off to celebrate Veteran’s Day, I am so glad I do!
Source List:
Paint on Mirror- HGTV HOME™ by Sherwin-Williams in Denim
Wall and trim color- Simply White by Benjamin Moore
Vanity color- Bluegrass White by Glidden
Vanity knobs- HomeGoods
Bottom Shelf- DIY
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Come back tomorrow because I have two fun posts for you. I am participating in two awesome blog hops! One for Christmas ornaments and one for Christmas cookies! The Christmas ornament hop is also a linky party, so if you have any DIY Christmas ornaments you would like to share, come and link up!
Do you have champagne taste and a tiny budget like me? Love fashion, DIY, crafting, all things vintage and thrifty? Stick with me, I’ve got you covered!
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