The last time you saw Mr. 13 Year Old’s bedroom, he was 12, and it looked like this: You can see the entire post I wrote about his before bedroom here. I debated about whether to title this post Mr. 13 or Mr. 14 Year Old’s bedroom because he will be 14 on March … [Read more...]
A New Bed for Mr. 6 Year Old
Happy Valentines Day!! Up until a few weeks ago, Mr. 6 Year Old was still sleeping in a toddler bed. We knew it was time for him to have a real bed, but he did not want to part with his Thomas The Train toddler bed. Not once had he ever even mentioned wanting a big … [Read more...]
A Thomas The Train Bedroom
I hope you all had a restful and fun filled weekend. I am returning to work today after having a little 4 day break. Partly due to a snow day and partly due to a scheduled day off that I took. I thought I would show you my 5 year old son's bedroom today. … [Read more...]
A 12 Year Old Boy’s Room
Call me a bad mother, but as a rule, I do not clean my two older children’s bedrooms. They are 12 and 16 years old, and I think they should do it themselves. That is just the way I was raised. I can’t remember a time that my mother ever cleaned my room for … [Read more...]