For the past two years, we went to the Christmas Tree Farm and bought a live tree for Christmas. Probably the most fun part of doing that was the actual act of taking the whole family and spending the day looking for the perfect tree, cutting it down, taking lots of cute … [Read more...]
Christmas Home Tour 2013
I am so excited to bring you my Christmas home tour today! This is the first time I have ever put together a tour like this, so bear with me, OK? I finally finished my decorating, and I have the house all clean and ready for company. Won’t you please come in and stay awhile? I … [Read more...]
Our Christmas Tree 2013
I am working on putting out a Christmas tour of my home, but I am waaay behind, people! Bad, bad blogger, right? Well, I hate to sound like a scrooge, but things have not been going my way this Christmas season! Where is the time going? Why am I so … [Read more...]
Deals and Steals- The Day After
Of course I hit up Target the day after Christmas! I also did go to exchange a couple of little things at the mall before they were out of everything. I stopped in the Dollar Tree while I was walking by too. I got some great deals, and some really cute stuff … [Read more...]
Christmas Eve- it’s Magical
WE took a drive around Bridgeport a couple of weekends ago, and took pictures of some of the beautiful Christmas lights. I wanted to get more, but my camera battery died! I was disappointed. I vowed to get out again, but just never found the time. But here … [Read more...]
My Second Home Tour- Have A Little Faith
Last weekend I traveled up to the Pittsburgh area to the home one one of my best friends, Christine Faith. It was her daughter, Charly's, 1st birthday party! They had a big celebration! Chris and I have been friends since high school. That is a long time! … [Read more...]
My Favorite Christmas Vignettes
There have been so many gorgeous Christmas Vignettes going around blog land lately! I thought it would be fun to visit the blogs that I visit pretty much daily and show you some of my favorite things they have posted this Christmas. I have placed the link right below each … [Read more...]
Our Gingerbread Houses
This Christmas Season has just whizzed by! I feel like I don’t have time to get everything done. We had a busy weekend, but managed to squeeze in time to decorate gingerbread houses on Sunday evening. I bought two this year because it always turns into a tearful … [Read more...]