Welcome to the last Monday In August! Summer came and went in the blink of an eye! Why is it that the older we become, the faster time seems to rush by? So depressing! Today I am going to show you my entryway, but a different view of my entry way than you … [Read more...]
Wish I Had That- Stairway Inspiration
I have one thing to say, and that is Thanks Goodness it’s Friday! And even better, it is Memorial Day weekend! Today on wish I Had That, I have some stairway eye candy in store for you. One of things on my to do list is to make over our stairway, which is also … [Read more...]
My Foyer- As It Is Right Now
Today I thought I would share my entryway with you. But first I want to preface that by giving you some idea about my "philosophy" for what I share on my blog. I am showing you things as they are. I am keeping it very real. I am not ashamed to show you … [Read more...]