We took a family vacation at the end of July with LC’s entire family. In one big house, all 15 of us! It was a trip that we had been planning and anticipating for almost a year. We waited. And talked about it. And waited and talked about it some more. And then the day … [Read more...]
Happy Mother’s Day!
This morning, after eating my Mother's Day breakfast prepared by my kids and LC, I took a stroll down memory lane at some of our family photos over the past few years. So fun! So, to celebrate Mother's Day, I thought I would share some of my favorites! The 4 … [Read more...]
Making Memories- Junior Prom 2013
Hi, and welcome to another work week! We have a very eventful weekend. It was Miss 17 year Old's junior prom on Saturday night. How fun are school dance’s? For a girl, they are some of the best times of your life, and when else in your lifetime do you get so many chances to … [Read more...]
Family Fun for March
I can’t believe Easter is behind us! Did you have a good Easter? We had a nice day yesterday and now on to the projects I have on my list to get finished over my break. On Saturday I spent the day shampooing carpets. Now that is some hard manual labor! I was wiped out by the … [Read more...]
Highlights from 2012
Wow! Have you ever noticed how when you are a child, the year seems to go on forever and ever? Well, now that I am all grown up the year just seems to fly by! Seriously, where does the time go? I just want to slow down the hands of time. In … [Read more...]
Santa Was Here!
I hope you all had a good Christmas. Santa was very good to us this year. I thought I would share what he brought us! And I will throw in some family pictures of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I went to Target this morning and bought up a bunch of … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas!
I hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas Day with your families and loved ones! And for those that are missing special loved ones this year, I pray for God’s grace that 2013 will bring you a renewed joy for life, and hope for the future. A lot of families are … [Read more...]
Our Gingerbread Houses
This Christmas Season has just whizzed by! I feel like I don’t have time to get everything done. We had a busy weekend, but managed to squeeze in time to decorate gingerbread houses on Sunday evening. I bought two this year because it always turns into a tearful … [Read more...]