We made a small update to our master bedroom right after Christmas that I have not gotten around to sharing with you yet, so what better time than the present? We got new curtains! The last time I showed you a master bedroom update was in November … [Read more...]
Mid-Century Modern Dresser for the Master Bedroom
I am so excited today to share some progress in our Master Bedroom with you! We got a new to us piece of furniture that I absolutely love! Isn’t this mid-century modern dresser just gorgeous! maybe this style is not for you, maybe it is. One thing is for certain though, I … [Read more...]
Changes in the Master Bedroom – New Bedding
We recently made a major change in our Master Bedroom that changed the whole look of the room. New bedding! If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen a sneak peek of our new bedding. On Friday after work, I came home and just tore off our old … [Read more...]
Our Master Bedroom- Progress
It has been since December that I have shown you my master bedroom, and that was before I had a decent camera, so I thought I would show it to you how it looks now with a decent camera! Not much has changed in there, since I have been focusing my efforts, and wallet in … [Read more...]
What We Have Changed In One Year
As of June 30th, we have been living here for one year. The past year has flown by, and although we have been very busy around here making this home ours, we still have much work to do! In case you are new around here, we moved here because we wanted to be in a more … [Read more...]
Drawer Organization
There are so many things in my home that need to be done! My list of things to do feels a mile long. Is anyone reading this right now that feels my pain? Seriously, I could go on for years! I work full time, and am busy in the evening with three active … [Read more...]
Master Bedroom Progress
Today I want to share some progress we have made in the master bedroom. And in my opinion it is a huge improvement! We changed the blinds and hung curtain panels. It just looks so much more cozy and, well, just more "me". Every small change we make in this … [Read more...]
Let’s Tour A Home
Last week, the Williams family were kind enough to welcome me to tour their home. I was so excited to tour my first home for what I hope will become a regular feature on my blog called Let’s Tour A Home. And the William’s lovely home was a perfect place to … [Read more...]