Happy Monday to you! This week starts the first full week of school in our county. It is a little sad to feel like summer is gone. Some of you already know that my big project around here over the summer is my downstairs hallway, which also serves as our … [Read more...]
More Progress In My Hallway/Mud Room
Wow! I am blown away by how many hits I have had on my Brown Paper Floor Reveal! I told LC if I could just post a big project like that every day, this little blog of mine might take off! Unfortunately, I cannot. Those kinds of projects might happen a few … [Read more...]
Brown Paper Floors Reveal
Installing these DIY brown paper floors are a cheap way to update the outdated flooring in your home. I have been waiting for this day for a long time! I researched and planned for a long time. I even did a post all about brown paper floor. And I am so excited to say that … [Read more...]
What We Have Changed In One Year
As of June 30th, we have been living here for one year. The past year has flown by, and although we have been very busy around here making this home ours, we still have much work to do! In case you are new around here, we moved here because we wanted to be in a more … [Read more...]
Body Pillow as Bench Cushion
While perusing the aisles of Tar-jay a few weeks ago, I happened upon a brilliant idea! You see, I have this bench in my mudroom/hallway/laundry room. I have had it for a few years, and have never felt like forking out the money to buy a cushion for it. I have thought of … [Read more...]