I acquired something really cool recently. Actually I have had it since June. And it sat in my garage for a couple of months waiting for a home. You see, I work in a school, and a lot of times, at the end of the year, when teacher's are getting rid of stuff, they … [Read more...]
Trashtastic Tuesday- Roadside Rescues and Salvaged Treasures
Welcome to another addition of Trashtastic Tuesday! Since I am still busy finishing my paperbag floors and downstairs hallway, I thought I would bring you some Trashtastic treasures from around the internet. I created a pinterest board called Trashtastic Treasures … [Read more...]
Trashtastic Tuesday- Roadside Rescue
Last week, I was driving my son home from track practice, and we were driving up our street. Low and behold, I saw four outdoor chairs sitting next to the curb a few houses down from us. The garbage was due to come the next morning, so I had a feeling those chairs … [Read more...]