I am so excited that it is Spring, my favorite season of the year! I can finally get outside to walk, all of the trees start blooming, and the flowers on the trees are my most favorite part of Spring. I just noticed today for the first time some green things sprouting up on the … [Read more...]
Wish I Had That- My 10 Favorite Spring Decorating Ideas
I am ashamed to say that I have barely started on my spring decorating. I have been very busy with my daughter’s high school play, the beginning of track season, and working on some home improvement projects. Plus, It really hasn’t started feeling like spring around … [Read more...]
Planting Flowers in Containers- And a Painting Fail
So, how was your weekend? I hope it was whatever you hoped it would be! Mine was pretty good. I felt productive this weekend. On Saturday the weather was good, so I finally got to plant all of the pretty flowers LC bought me for Mother's Day. I … [Read more...]
Wish I Had That- Spring Vignettes
Today is the first day of spring! I mean, you can't tell it from where I am, but it does make me feel better that it is oficially spring now. There is no place else to go but warmer from here, right? I thought it was only fitting to show you some of my favorite spring … [Read more...]
A Spring Buffet
Tuesday was a snow day, and I decided it was the perfect day to add some spring touches around here. I am hoping that the spring feeling inside of our house will catch on, and the outside will get the picture! LC is the weatherman, so I should have some pull, … [Read more...]
Wish I Had That- SPRING!
Well, today I am going to be a woman of few words, because this is what I woke up to this morning. And as beautiful as it truly is, I am hoping and praying that it is the last for the year. And This is what I am wishing for today. I linked back to the original … [Read more...]