Do you ever just sit around and daydream about what you would do in your own home if money were no object? If you are anything like me you do! We recently moved into a 1996 split level that needs a lot of updating. I could seriously go on all day about the things I would like to do up in this joint. But, we are on a limited budget for fixing up this house, and we have to do it one project at a time. That doesn’t stop me from dreaming endlessly about what I would like to do, if money were no object. Of course, if money were no object I would be building my dream home at this very moment. So I just keep dreaming about the possibilities here, in the house we live in now. We don’t plan to live in this house forever, but one thing I am sure of is when we sell it, we will leave it behind in a better state than it was when we moved in.
I thought it would be fun to share some of the things I would change in this house if money were no object. This is one of my favorite things to dream about. If you have been reading my blog, you know that we are currently refinishing our kitchen cabinets. We are hoping to be done with that by Thanksgiving, and then it is on to putting some color on the walls in the kitchen and dining room. Here are some things I wish we could afford.
