We have had a laundry emergency occurring at our house for the past week and a half. Our dryer broke down. Insert sad face here. As a family of five, we need a working washer and dryer. Laundry is a dreaded chore for me, and a never ending one. I feel like I am almost never caught up! I try to stay on top of the laundry, but if I go two days without doing laundry it just piles up. Last week, our laundry came to a drastic halt. I first mentioned that our dryer was broken here. So ever since then I have been relying on the help of others to get out laundry done. I have sent loads to my mother, and to my kid’s grandmother. And it has come back clean and folded. Wow, maybe I should just never get it fixed! But seriously it has been a huge pain in the arse! For instance, I have to change out the bedding in the dog cage every day or two because she pees in there, and it is disgusting! I was not going to put anyone through washing those! I can barely stand to hold them between my thumb and forefinger and practically throw them into the washing machine so as to touch them as little as possible. So I have not kept up with that the way I need to, and let me tell you, the smell coming from her cage is horrid! Does anybody want a dog? We love that dog! So this is the story of our broken dryer…

I feel for you Nicki, I have had our dryer for 3 years and never once cleaned it – YUKK right?! Let me know how it goes and then I'll do mine (you don't mind being my 'guinea pig' right? good luck and have a great weekend!
The piles of dust and lint were INSIDE the dryer! I would have never been able to get in there to clean it! I just happened to be watching as he took it apart, and was like oh, you can't put that together until I clean it out! LOL