What could possibly be more Trashtastic than a tin can? I mean, seriously, how many of these go into the garbage or to (hopefully) be recycled over the course of a week? It is darn cold around here right now, and we eat a lot of soup when it is cold. So I thought using a couple of old soup cans as art was a fun idea for a Trashtastic Tuesday project. I gave you a little sneak peek of my idea I was cooking up last week here.
I was wondering how many different ways one could take an old soup can and make it into something cute? I thought a lot about that this week, because I had two cans sitting in my dish drainer awaiting a transformation.
Well, I am off again today for another snow day. Nice little four day weekend. I am not complaining! I got around to painting the trim in my dining room/office yesterday. You can see my progress in that room here. I don’t have any pictures of the completed trim just yet, but it is fresh and white and clean now.
Stay tuned to my blog this week! I got my craft on up in this joint over the weekend, so I have some fun things to show off!
I am Linking up here today!
Hi Nicki. What a nice DIY: I just posted it on my german blog with a link to you – using some of your photos. Please see if that is alright for you: http://schoenstricken.de/2013/02/diy-konservendosen/
Best from Berlin, Jessica
That was so nice! First time anyone has posted anything of nime on their blog! Love it, thanks!
Couldn't help but stop by and read this sweet idea!
Thanks so much for stopping by! I started following your blog! I was #300 follower on google +!
Great idea Nicki, I just painted a dumpster desk stop by if you'd like to see!
I did! And I love your blog! So I am following! Thanks for visiting my blog!
This is a great and easy idea. I love jute and webbing so this is right up my alley.
Thanks, I appreciate you visiting my blog!