When we moved into this house in June, it was our plan to purchase a new sofa for our main living room. That was the one of two pieces of furniture I wanted to purchase. The other was a loft bed for Mr. 12 year old. Well, the appraisal on the house we were selling came in under what we were selling for and we had to drop the price on our house. Not much, but enough that it ate the money for the new sofa. We decided at that point to hold off on buying a sofa because we did not really NEED one. But hey! A girl can dream, and I still want that new sofa SO BAD! (hint hint Mr. LC) I am not giving up on my dream of buying a new one, and it will eventually happen. I thought I would show you some sofa’s that I love today. I have faith one of these will be mine eventually.

Karlstad by Ikea- $1,177.00
Ikea 2 chaise lounges and loveseat
This one is from Pottery Barn. And who wouldn’t be happy with a Pottery Barn sofa? I love the slip covered thing. Then you can take them off and wash them. BTW the Ikea sofa is also slip covered and can be washed. My next sofa will have slipcovers for sure! I usually keep my sofa covered with a blanket because I live with pigs.

Here is another great Karlstad option from Ikea, with two chaises on each end instead of next to each other. I like the idea of them being next to each other so you can cuddle up to your honey.
This one is also form Restoration Hardware, and it looks to die for! I love every single thing about it, this may beat out the other one above from Restoration Hardware! Except in grey. But look at the price tag! OMG! That is never gonna happen, unless I win the lottery. And if I do, first I will build my dream house, next I will order myself one of these bad boys! Doesn’t it just look like you could sink right into it! I might become a total couch potato!
This one is from Wayfair. It looks nice as well. Has anyone out there reading this owned a couch from Wayfair? I would be interested in knowing how it is holding up because the price is pretty good.
Have you ever checked out dfwfurniture.com ?? it's a division of Ashley furniture. They have great prices–my son & daughter-in-law bought two sofa's for only $600!! They are comfortable and have worn well for the past year. They are suede 3 cushion sofa's. There was a store (warehouse type setting) only a few miles from their house.
No, I have not heard of that. But will definitely check it out. Thanks for the tip!
That's neat! I like it.
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