I hope you had a great weekend! You may or may not have been on spring break last week, like us! I had a restful and good spring break. I finished up some projects around my house, got some actual cleaning done, tried to catch up on my laundry, did some organizing, spent some … [Read more...]
Trashtastic Tuesday- This And That
Hello everyone, and welcome to my first edition of Trashtastic Tuesday for the month of March! I am sorry to say that I do not have a finished project to show you today- at least not one of my own. But I do have some awesome things to show you, and also some recent … [Read more...]
Trashtastic Tuesday- $5 Canisters
I have a really good addition to my trashtastic Tuesday series for you today. New canisters! I had grown tired of the ones I had and had been thinking I would like a set of glass ones with chalkboard lids. But I had not been shopping for new ones. And then one day I was in … [Read more...]
Trashtastic Tuesday- Soup Cans
What could possibly be more Trashtastic than a tin can? I mean, seriously, how many of these go into the garbage or to (hopefully) be recycled over the course of a week? It is darn cold around here right now, and we eat a lot of soup when it is cold. So I thought using a … [Read more...]
Re Organized Laundry Closet- Mini Makeover
Good morning and happy Monday to everyone! What a beautiful weekend it was in North Central West Virginia! It was actually in the 70's yesterday, and that is a rarity in these parts for the middle of January. We enjoyed it! LC got to go run at the park, … [Read more...]
My Kid’s Bathrooms- Look Out!
Now, I don’t get many opportunities to photograph my kid’s bathrooms, trust me. It is all I can do to keep them clean! Thank god my daughter gained her own bathroom when we moved here. It has made things so much better. She can make a disaster area in her … [Read more...]
Master Bedroom Progress
Today I want to share some progress we have made in the master bedroom. And in my opinion it is a huge improvement! We changed the blinds and hung curtain panels. It just looks so much more cozy and, well, just more "me". Every small change we make in this … [Read more...]
Let’s Tour A Home
Last week, the Williams family were kind enough to welcome me to tour their home. I was so excited to tour my first home for what I hope will become a regular feature on my blog called Let’s Tour A Home. And the William’s lovely home was a perfect place to … [Read more...]