Hi all! Have you ever seen my entryway? If you are new here, welcome! If not, you know that we live in a split level home, so I have struggled with this entryway, because it is also our stair case. I never was a fan of split entry homes, so go figure that we wound up living … [Read more...]
Shoe Storage in My Entryway
For those of you who are new around here and are not aware, we live in a split level home. Now, I always said I would never live in a split level home. They just aren’t my style. I don’t really like the whole concept of coming in the front door and being faced with the … [Read more...]
Entry Stairway- A Horseshoe is for Good Luck
Welcome to the last Monday In August! Summer came and went in the blink of an eye! Why is it that the older we become, the faster time seems to rush by? So depressing! Today I am going to show you my entryway, but a different view of my entry way than you … [Read more...]
Body Pillow as Bench Cushion
While perusing the aisles of Tar-jay a few weeks ago, I happened upon a brilliant idea! You see, I have this bench in my mudroom/hallway/laundry room. I have had it for a few years, and have never felt like forking out the money to buy a cushion for it. I have thought of … [Read more...]
Salvaging Sentimental Artwork
Today I have something very special to share with you. It is a very sentimental piece of artwork. Is it valuable? Probably not worth much money. But sometimes an object can be more valuable than gold, even though it is not worth any money. I actually have no idea how much … [Read more...]