Hey friends! I am so excited for today's post because today marks the first day of the 4 week declutter and organize your home challenge, starting with the kitchen. This challenge is hosted by myself and the rest of my friends from No Place Like Home. This series will be full … [Read more...]
Dining Room Buffet–Organization
Can you believe we have had 19 snow days this winter? I can’t remember a year we have had that many in a long time. I have used several of these days to do projects around my home that have been on my to do list, and organizing closet and other areas. We have this buffet in … [Read more...]
Organized Pantry – Zero Dollars
We recently had 4 snow days in a row due to mostly cold weather, brrr! So I took advantage of my days at home by doing some organizing. My pantry was in complete disarray, and we could barely squeeze anything else into it, so that is one thing I tackled. I see so many … [Read more...]
Packing- How To Maximize The Space In Your Case
In July, we took a two week vacation to Florida, and we drove there. We had a turtle for the top of our car, and we drive an Honda Pilot with third row seating. There are 5 of us, so one person had to sit in the back. That makes the trunk smaller. Therefore we had to pack … [Read more...]
Organizing Under My Kitchen Sink
Do you remember the post I did about my new kitchen faucet? Well, if your old kitchen faucet is broken, you have to get a new one. And if you get a new kitchen faucet, you have to take everything out from under your sink. And if you take everything out from under your kitchen … [Read more...]
Scarf Organization
I have so many small little projects that have been waiting to be completed around here! Just little things that we have not had time to get around to. We have spent some time getting some of these odds and ends finished since I am off work now. This project was so quick and … [Read more...]
How I Organize My Closet
I have talked several times on my blog about my small walk in closet, and I have even shown you a couple of pictures of it here. I have also dreamed of having a huge lovely walk in closet. I have told you that I gave up a very large walk in closet that I had all to … [Read more...]
Drawer Organization
There are so many things in my home that need to be done! My list of things to do feels a mile long. Is anyone reading this right now that feels my pain? Seriously, I could go on for years! I work full time, and am busy in the evening with three active … [Read more...]