Hey all! Welcome to Trashtastic Tuesday! This is a little series around here where I show you something that I thrifted, sometimes I make it over, sometimes I don’t. Or it may be something that I have owned and I am tired of, or no longer like, so I make it … [Read more...]
What We Have Changed in 2 Years
As of June 30th, we have been living here for two years. The time has flown by, and although we have been very busy around here making this home ours, we still have much work to do! In case you are new around here, we moved here because we wanted to be in a more … [Read more...]
Organizing Under My Kitchen Sink
Do you remember the post I did about my new kitchen faucet? Well, if your old kitchen faucet is broken, you have to get a new one. And if you get a new kitchen faucet, you have to take everything out from under your sink. And if you take everything out from under your kitchen … [Read more...]
A Kitchen Update
Happy Friday! Isn’t Friday the best? So looking forward to the weekend by Friday, right? We are having a birthday party for Mr. 5 Year Old tonight at the local pool. Now, he turned 5 in December, but he wanted to have a pool party, so we all agreed to wait … [Read more...]
What Would You Do With This Space?
Hey there! I took a little break from blogging for a few days, but I am back! I finished up with work on Monday (6 weeks off, can you give me a hell yeah?), and I took the kids and headed straight up to the Pittsburgh area to visit one of my BFF’s and her three … [Read more...]
Making The Old New Again- With a Little Paint
Happy Monday to you! This is the last week of school for my kids, and I could not be happier about it! Two more weeks for me and I am off for the summer! It cannot come fast enough! I made a little change in my kitchen that made it look so much better! I painted this mirror … [Read more...]
Faux Painted Subway Tile- The Tutorial
This is a step by step tutorial for how I created my faux painted subway tile in our kitchen. I hope you had a great Mother’s Day yesterday, and that you got spoiled for the day, just a little! I had a pretty good day, with breakfast, some delicious dessert, and my favorite … [Read more...]
Faux Painted Subway Tile- Reveal
I usually have a Trashtastic Tuesday post on Tuesdays. But not today, because I cannot wait another day to do a full reveal on my faux painted subway tile backsplash! I will be back later in the week with a Trashtastic post for you, I promise! But for now, let us bask in … [Read more...]